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Saluting the Journey to a New Life (Sci-Fi) 17 and 18


Saluting the Journey to a New Life (Sci-Fi) 17 and 18


After a brief spell of vertigo, I found myself transported to a domain of shimmering lights and shadows.

It appeared to be saturated with endless data and electronic signals, constituting an immense network of information.

"What is this complex realm?" I wondered aloud, awestruck.

"You're looking at the core architecture of the game world's data. Consider it the backbone supporting the entirety of this space," Abraham elucidated.

Acknowledging with a nod, I recalled having witnessed a similar construct when Sophie had previously ushered me into the system's core zone.

Yet this time, the expanse was far more majestic, almost boundless, conjuring images of star-filled galaxies in my mind.

"This is where I pinpointed the origin of the issue," said Abraham, guiding me to the presence of a staggering data waterfall.

The cascade of information, resplendent like a galaxy folding upon itself, abruptly twisted into oblivion mid-descent!

"Do you see that? The conduit to the real world has been utterly severed," Abraham said gravely, pointing to the disintegration of the data cascade.

I was staggered with shock.

If this conduit is cut off, am I doomed to be ensnared within this virtual realm forever?

"Is there any salvation? A way to reforge the connection to reality?" I inquired, my voice trembling.

"This is the very reason I have brought you," declared Abraham, "I need us to work together to carve out a new channel within this data realm."

"But I don't know anything!" I faltered, finding it hard to grasp how a mere mortal's understanding could influence this enigmatic, cosmic-scale construct.

"You embody a consciousness within a chip-enabled vessel; your brain's bioelectric energy powers the chip. Hence, have faith in your inner self!" Abraham implored with gravity.

With a deep inhalation, I steeled my gaze on the contorted gateway...

Under Abraham's guidance, I shut my eyes, summoning all my focus, channeling the essence of my thoughts towards the dissolved data passageway.

Initially, all I sensed was a boom echoing in my mind, as though the heavens themselves were quivering.

Yet, slowly, a tiny pinprick of light dawned before me, swiftly blossoming into a swirling vortex of data!

"You've got it! Keep pressing on!" came Abraham's rallying cry.

With renewed determination, I wielded my imagination in full force, endeavoring to pry open that portal to another universe.

The aperture widened ceaselessly, and indistinct, ghostly vignettes started to materialize within its depths...

"We're on the verge of success!" shouted Abraham, his voice coinciding with a colossal force of suction erupting from the aperture, propelling me like an arrow sprung from tension, hurtling forth!

As the voices around me dwindled into silence, I gripped my eyelids tight and surrendered to an enigmatic voyage... wondering, what destination lay ahead?


As my vision sharpened, I realized I was standing within an ominous expanse.

Around me tumbled remnants of all kinds, yet the air was devoid of any breath of life.

"Where could this be..." I whispered to myself.

"You see, this is the game system's archive of human civilization at the brink of apocalypse," Abraham materialized next to me. "We've successfully accessed the ultimate gateway to the real world, albeit slightly astray from the pathway's intended entry."

Astonishment gripped me.

Before me lay the desolate remains, the final glimpse of the world under the siege of a solar storm from many years past!

The silent desolation seemed to capture the despondency of that time, perpetually enshrined within a temporal maelstrom.

"Perhaps this is the game's underlying purpose: to compel those revisiting reality to confront history first, to ponder anew the route ahead," Abraham mused.

With a nod, I acknowledged that even in desolation lies a chance for rejoining the tangible world.

Led by Abraham, we navigated through the labyrinth of decay.

The remnants of a civilization lost to calamity lay scattered before us.

"What did the survivors go on to create?" I wondered aloud.

"It might just be within our reach," Abraham gestured forward.

There, through the veil of ashen detritus, the silhouette of an immense screen of light began to crystallize!

We quickened our stride and in no time found ourselves at its threshold.

A colossal canopy-like energy barrier stretched before us, its surface undulating with a rhythmic pulse, as though obscuring all that lay beyond.

"Could this be the sanctuary they erected? Truly astounding!" I couldn't help but marvel.

Before us lay the gateway to a subterranean realm.

"A marvel indeed," echoed Abraham, nodding affirmatively, "but we must traverse the scrutiny of the protective layer to gain entry."

He strode to the brink of the force field, before a device that he promptly set into motion, launching an intricate decryption sequence...

"Initiating scanning sequence; initiating comprehensive retinal and vocal pattern scan."

With the device's awakening, twin beams of light honed in on us, and I became acutely aware of the laser crisscrossing over my body.

"Are we undergoing identity verification?" I questioned, tension rising in my voice.

"The defense mechanism here is unsparing, demanding a match for a multitude of biometric characteristics," conveyed Abraham.

It was then that the vast barrier spoke in mechanical tones: "Administrator Abraham, your credentials are recognized and validated. Companion personnel, processing..."

My heart raced as I awaited the outcome, the fear of squandering an elusive opportunity grew overwhelming.

"Companion personnel, Jack, game participant, verification failed," pronounced the indifferent voice, sealing my fate.


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